TelcoVillage GmbH, an innovative Company incorporated in Germany, is the Inventor of the card.
It is unsafe to purchase eSIM cards from any unauthorised provider, other than
The Card, is the only eSIM card that is legally available.
Any 3rd party products, however they are called, are illegal copies of our intellectual property and buying these will bring the buyers into legal trouble!
We will do everything necessary to protect our property.
eSIM profile is property of the Mobile Operators.
Mobile operators will not tolerate their eSIM Profiles to be stored on plagiarism cards.
We will disclose to the mobile operators all eIDs of plagiarism cards and will enforce all eSIM profiles delivered to those cards to be invalidated.
We will also disclose those eIDs to the SM-DP+ Providers serving eSIM profiles, to black list those eIDs from receiving new eSIM profile downloads.
So users of plagiarism cards would loose all the eSIM profiles already downloaded on their plagiarism cards and would not be able to download new ones.
Fortunately, the eSIM ecosystem is a very small and organised system fully under the control and certification of the GSMA, the association of all mobile operators.
We think it is fair that you should be aware about the consequences of buying plagiarism cards!
The Team